I Had to Say it podcast - The Diddy Effect

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the I Had to Say It podcast.

The Diddy Effect

More political nonsense, more rhetoric and Puffy is going to big boy jail. Just to get out ahead of it, Diddy didn't kill himself.


I Had to Say it podcast - And they tried again

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the I Had to Say It podcast.

And they tried again

So the Byethen and Kamaltow administration are going to sleepwalk us into WWIII, so there has to be something to get people to stop talking about it. Cue the next attempt to take out the orange bastard.


I Had to Say it podcast - A Short, incoherent, rambling episode

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the I Had to Say It podcast.

A Short, incoherent, rambling episode

The title pretty much sums it up.
