This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

677: Matt Lauer, Brexit and Cryptocurrencies


Kind of an odd mix today but I wanted to discuss the recent wave of sexual harassment claims being made by women across the nation. I have to say it makes me proud to see so many women stepping out under great risk to their reputations and calling their harassers to account.

Matt Lauer is the latest big shot to fall and the claims being leveled against him are hard to read. I can't imagine being a woman and having to put up with the kind of abuse these women suffered under Lauer.

Good news is, he's gone, and another bad apple has been exposed.

Brexit is also in the news today as Frankfurt as more than 20 new residential skyscrapers being planned and built ahead of the expected flood of bankers and business owners who will no doubt move back to the EU to avoid the new trade restrictions that will go into effect as the UK withdraws from membership.

Also in the stack, the IRS wins its lawsuit over Coinbase, and American children have a 57% chance of being obese as adults. It's crazy!

Talk soon,

