This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

701: Too Many Wars - The New American Empire


Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, Somolia....

These are but a few of the places we are currently fighting outright wars or proxy wars. There are dozens of other countries where we have troops, equipment or money flowing in and out to exert influence and determine outcomes.

America has truly achieved Empire status. Seeking to affect or outright control every decision or outcome in the world today.

Like all great empires, we stretch ourselves too thin, overtax our people, neglect the principles and ideas that made us great and take on debt at a rate far exceeding our ability to pay.

It's not too late. We are not too far gone, but if we want to avoid the future that lays before us we MUST return to those ideas that made us the greatest nation on earth.

Limited Government, Peace, Tolerance and Free Markets.

