This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

Yes, the 1% Are Superior to the 99%

"Follow Jason on Locals! _____ Our culture has been conditioned to despise greatness. Left-wing thought places egalitarianism as its highest ideal, which means left-wing people tend to be suspicious of hierarchies. Right-wing thought places excellence as its highest ideal, which means right-wing people tend to embrace hierarchies. If you track the cultural evolution of America ever since its inception, you will notice a steady leftward march. However, over the past few decades, that march has turned into an outright sprint. So the consequence is that our culture is now completely dominated by calls for all sorts of egalitarian solutions to "problematic" hierarchies. This is why we're constantly hearing so much hate for the 1%. But there's a reason the 1% is the 1%. And it's because they ARE better than the 99%, by definition! This doesn't necessarily mean they're better humans, or more worthy souls, or more deserving of life. Rather, it means they are willing to do the things that are necessary to make themselves better. And here at WP&I, we believe that excellence should be admired and aspired to. We aspire to be better. So we champion the 1%. And you should too."